Songs of ancient America three Pueblo Indian corn-grinding songs from Laguna New Mexico recorded 1905 [Hardcover](Hardcover, Natalie Curtis)
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{Siz: 18.78 x 25.13 cms} Lang: - English, Pags 24. Rprintd in 2019 with th hlp of original dition publishd long back [1905]. This book is Printd in black & whit, Hardcovr, swing binding for longr lif with Matt laminatd multi-Colour Dust Covr, Printd on high quality Papr, r-sizd as pr Currnt standards, profssionally procssd without changing its contnts. As ths ar old books, w procssd ach pag manually and mak thm radabl but in som cass som pags which ar blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volum st, thn it is only singl volum, if you wish to ordr a spcific or all th volums you may contact us. W xpct that you will undrstand our compulsion in ths books. W found this book important for th radrs who want to know mor about our old trasur so w brought it back to th shlvs. (Any typ of Customisation is possibl). Hop you will lik it and giv your commnts and suggstions. Complt Titl;-Songs of ancint Amrica thr Publo Indian corn-grinding songs from Laguna Nw Mxico rcordd 1905 [Hardcovr] Author;-Natali Curtis